Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Its Official: If You Are Not Using Social Media - You Are Missing Out!

Photo: Jason A. Howie/Flickr
Attention business leaders, if your company isn’t on social media you are missing out. If you think Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites are for angst-ridden teens or bored stay-at-home-moms, think again. Survey data from the Internet Advertising Bureau UK reveals that nine out of 10 customers would recommend a brand based on a positive social media interaction.
Other findings from the survey, which used data collected from the social media pages of Heinz, Kettle and Twinings, include:
  • 80 percent of consumers would be more inclined to buy a brand more often after simply being exposed to the brand on social media
  • 83 percent of consumers exposed to a brand’s social media presence would try the brand’s products
Although this was a UK-specific research study, there’s nothing to show that British customers respond more favorably to social media interactions than American customers. 
Personally, I love it when a brand engages with me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. I recently post an Instagram picture of Nordstrom to Twitter with a comment about back-to-school shopping. The Nordstrom social media team responded to the initial post and responded again, when I replied to their first response. This wasn’t just one interaction by a large brand; this was two interactions. Yes, I was impressed.
Why does it matter? Personally, I get the impression that brands that take the time to respond care more about their business. If they are there when I’m praising the company, then perhaps they are more likely to be there to assist when I have a complaint. 
In the end, it’s all about customer service and great customer service is always good for business. The only difference, in this case, is that the customer service is being provided through a relatively new outlet – social media.

http://SocialBusinessToday.net - The Best in Social Business

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