Monday, 14 January 2013

Voice-based social network Bubbly launches in the UK with celebrity user Rio Ferdinand

Voice blogging service Bubbly has launched in the UK with all-new celebrity content, including football star Rio Ferdinand.
Described as the ‘Instagram of voice’, Bubbly allows users to share short voice messages – ‘Bubbles’ – with friends and followers as well as applying fun filters to their recordings.
Early adopter of the social network Rio Ferdinand uses Bubbly to update fans on his day-to-day life, and shares his pre- and post-match thoughts.
Speaking of the service, Ferdinand said: “I love showing support for my fans, and Bubbly lets me connect with them in a way that I've never been able to before. Voice updates bring a fresh way for me to have a dialogue with my fans and I've been having a lot of fun posting recordings.”
Bubbly allows celebrities, like Ferdinand, to connect directly with fans. By sharing voice messages instead of text followers know they’re getting the news direct from the stars as no one else can message on their behalf.
Thomas Clayton, CEO of Bubble Motion, Bubbly’s parent company, commented: “We're excited to bring such a fun and useful way of communicating with friends, family, and followers to Europe for the very first time.
“Having popular celebrities like Rio Ferdinand joining the service early on is great, because users will get to experience the Bubbly difference in the celebrity/fan connection right off the bat.”
On top of the UK rollout Bubbly has also launched a new version of its iOS app, which is available to fans globally. The app allows users to apply filters such as ‘Helium’, ‘Echo Chamber’, and ‘Synth’ to their recordings. Users can also now add effects, including ‘Applause’ and ‘Laughing’ to their Bubbly updates. - The Best in Social Business

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