Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Google Opens Its Own Store In London

The world’s first Google store, ‘The Chromezone,’ had a low-key opening in London, England inside a branch of PC World on Tottenham Court Road. The temporary 285 square-foot store will be there until Christmas, selling Google’s Chromebook laptop and a range of accessories. Arvind Desikan, head of consumer marketing at Google UK, said:
It is our first foray into physical retail. This is a new channel for us and it’s still very, very early days. It’s something Google is going to play with and see where it leads. We found anecdotally that when people tried the device and played with it, that made a huge difference to their understanding of what the Chromebook is all about. People will be able to go in and have a play with the devices. We want to see whether people understand what this device is all about and monitor their reaction when they try it out.
Another pop-up store will open in Essex and more around the world in the coming months. If this experiment is successful then Google could follow its rival Apple in opening a large number of permanent stores.

via PSFK: http://www.psfk.com/2011/10/google-opens-store-in-london.html#ixzz1aTdiqA00

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