Facebook today launches an app optimised for iPad, offering HD video and games, and Facebook chat, and joining other social media websites such as Twitter, Flipboard, and Gowalla. Version 4 of Facebook for iOS is optimised for iPad as well as iPhone.
Facebook is touting hands on navigation and the ability to get to what you want quickly as key features of the app. You can also watch high-res videos inline, record HD video and stream to Airplay devices.
As with the web, so is Facebook: according to the company 350 million out of Facebook’s 800 million users log in via mobile devices, and the trend is all in one direction, with more than half of Facebook's users expected to be mobile soon.
You can read more on the Facebook blog.
According to Facebook more than 475 mobile operators globally work to deploy and promote Facebook mobileproducts. More than half of Facebook's 800 million users log on each day and more than 2 billion posts are liked and commented on each day. The average Facebook user has 130 virtual friends.
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