Tuesday, 13 July 2010

3 Blogs You Should Read

Marshall Kirkpatrick

Marshall is the lead writer and co-editor for Read Write Web, probably my favorite of the tech blogs because it makes a serious effort to not regurgitate the same crap as every other tech blog. It may not get all the scoops and doesn’t usually publish rumors instead focusing on real journalism .
To me Marshall is the embodiment of the new journalist. Marshall has several places where he posts and it may just be easiest to follow him on Twitter @marshallk. But if you want to seriously stalk him like I do here’s the (known) list of where to find his personal thoughts.
www.marshallk.com: This is Marshall’s main personal blog but lately hasn’t been posting here as much. In his most recent blog he gave a list of the sites you can find him at.
Other places I’ve been active lately include Cinch mobile podcasting and on Formspring, where you can ask me any question you like!
And finally of course I am co-editor of ReadWriteWeb.com, in case you didn’t know that!
Marshallk.com is home to some of my all time favorite posts on how-to curration like this one:Twitter is Paying My Mortgage
More recently Marshall seems to have found his way over to Posteroushttp://marshallk.posterous.com/Here he uses Posterous much the same way I do, as a place to curate interesting tidbits until they come out as real posts, along with an occasional more personal post (which is where I got the picture from).

MG Siegler

MG is the only one of my 3 Rockstar blogger I don’t actually know, beyond what you can learn from stalking someone online (which is a lot). MG used to write for VentureBeat but moved over to write for TechCrunch. I find MG’s posts on TechCrunch lighthearted, irreverent and opinionated but he still is able to hold on to a (kind of) journalistic integrity that sets him a part from most tech bloggers.
MG’s pretty easy to follow @parislemon andhttp://parislemon.com/. MG’s a hardcore Tumblr user, parislemon.com is one of the better used Tumblr blogs I’ve seen. Not too noisy but some great posts along with a healthy use of Tumblr’s Q&A feature.
Where else can you stalk MG at?
I write movie reviews in haiku format atReview In Haiku. You can also find a singular stream of most my online works here.
Reviews in Haiku hasn’t been active for a while, maybe he hasn’t seen any movies in a while. And again the last link is a Tumblr blog used as a lifestream of all of his content across the Web. That may be MG overload.

Mahendra Palsule

Like most professional bloggers Mahendra is easiest to follow on Twitter as @ScepticGeek but his personal technology blog is http://www.skepticgeek.com/ (which will look familiar if you head over there because he uses the same theme that I do).
Mahendra is one of the editors at TechMeme, and used to write for MakeUseOf. He has several partially active blogs: An Unquite Mind and his Posterous sitehttp://posterous.skepticgeek.com/. Where Mahendra really shines is in his shared feeds, it’s obvious why he’s an editor for TechMeme.
Mahendra is one of those great examples of social media and shared interests. I would count Mahendra as a friend even though we’ve never met, Mahendra lives in Pune India. If you follow Mahedra’s shared feeds you will see the posts he shares quickly get picked up and echoed by other more well known tech pundits. Mahedra is one of those infinitely valuable people on the Web that acts as it’s connective tissue.

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