Monday, 12 July 2010

Traffic Segmentation For Fashion Enthusiasts

d you know that‘s Traffic Dashboard works not just on individual websites- but also on industrial and behavioral categories that Compete has predefined?   I didn’t know that – and it makes Compete a much closer competitor to Comscore Media Metrix than I initially thought (because industry categorization and rankings are aspects that Comscore offers that often sets it apart).
Figured I’d work with the Fashion Enthusiast behavioral category as some of my readers have asked about online metrics for the fashion industry.
This month (covering June 10) the Fashion Industry segment gained 2.5 million visits, and increase of 8.3% with a total of 32,463,664 visits.  Would you guess that besides GoogleFacebook, Yahoo and Bing (all search engines) the next biggest referrer is with 369,000 visits, an increase of 94% from May 10, and my guess is this gain is due to a promotional campaign that was running at the time.
looking at miscellaneous sites, and stand out and are probably among the sites a Fashion business would want links or traffic from.
As far as email goes – it’s all the way – which a much smaller role, in this instance, for Google.
What about Traffic from News Sites – which one is the most important? Google News followed by the – ha!
What about blogging services?

As it turns out, Tumbler is more important to a fashion enthusiast than WordPress or blogger.
There’s much more to the Traffic Dashboard – but what this shows me is the referral analytics on Industry and behavior categories leads to very useful broad categories where we can organize and characterize online behavior via sharable mentions.

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