Friday, 16 March 2012

Five Best Practices For Social Media Measurement

More from our white paper series. In this white paper summation of a webinar, KDPaine & Partners Katie Delahaye Paine and SAS Global Customer Service and Media Intelligence Manager John Bastone outline three areas of focus and five best practices for getting the most out of social media measurement.

Paine and Bastone explain how and why brands must listen, process and respond in social media channels and put forth five tips for social media measurement success:

1. Consider how social media will drive profit
2. Know what you want out of social media
3. Be sure your social media participation is two way
4. Forget about impressions and hits
5. Blend social media data with internal data. - The Best in Social Business

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They have some great free instagram followers without following back stock footage of our friends Mike Waldron and Matt Pringle at Shoreline Trading!