Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Motorola To Link TV To Tablet

American electronics company Motorola have unveiled their latest tablet computer, with the unique feature being advertised based on the ability to change a TV channel based on the content currently streaming on the tablet.
motorola corvair Motorola To Link TV To TabletRunning on the Android Gingerbread 2.3 operating system (highly customised), the Motorola Corvair includes a 6-inch touchscreen display with basic tablet computer functions. However, the key element of the ‘low-cost optimised product’ is its capability as a ‘dedicated controller’ to TV screens. The feature is thought to be planned as a way to set it apart from the company’s latest tablets under the Xoom brand.
Information gained from leaked pictures of the device’s box has claimed that the Motorola Corvair is capable of displaying its whole user interface on a TV screen wirelessly.
This means that as well as streaming online content to the tablet, the video signal can be retransmitted to display on a TV as well. Another planned feature is seeing Motorola teaming up with selected cable TV providers (who are currently in a ‘testing phase’ with the company) to apply the Corvair as a remote controlling device for their set-top boxes.
While the release date and pricing information have not yet been released, is the Corvair going to be the future of TV remotes, or will this feature just an expensive gimmick?

Read more internet tv news: Motorola To Link TV To Tablet - The Best in Social Business

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