Wednesday, 26 October 2011

TwitFlicks Gets You In The Movies!

Eddy Terstall found a unique way to fund his upcoming movie, Deal, that required making lots of other movies.
As the video above explains, Terstall needed €20,000 to fund his short movie. To achieve that, he initially turned to, a sort of Kickstarter for Dutch filmmakers like himself. But when that didn’t yield enough money, Terstall got the idea of making mini-movies called “Twitflicks” based on fans’ tweets for a fee. €10 got you 10 seconds of video and €60 or more got you a minute-plus. The videos were placed on the donors’ Facebook Walls.
The program worked. After announcing the proposal on his Twitter feed, Terstall made several films (some of which you can see here) and raised €120,000 — enough to make a full-length movie. We’ll see how that turns out, but it will be hard to top the story of this movie’s making. - The Best in Social Business

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