Although, when you have a blog or are regularly contributing to one, you start thinking a bit differently. When you are out and about you start to think "I'll write a blog about that" "I'll take a photo of that for my blog" "what will peoples reactions be" "Will I generate conversation, if I said this?".
Then, once you start thinking like that, you become better at noticing things that you'd like to include in blogs and, well just noticing things in more detail in general. As you are keeping an eye out for interesting conversation points, business achievements to talk about, mistakes to highlight etc - these actions have to have a positive effect on you as a person too.
It's not just about writing about your brand new shiny product, service, special offer or just slagging off your competitor (some people are very passionate about their business! - avoid!). It's about people getting a better understanding of you, what you see, how you see it, your opinions, thoughts behind your business, what you did to get there, what mistakes you made along the way, and how you coped with them all.
Think about it, nobody is more qualified to write about your business than you. It's like your "about us" page being a bottomless pit of information, photos, videos, insight and more. I know if I wanted to use a specific product or service the blog (if it included information I was interested in) would influence my decision. Similarly, if it was a rubbish blog that just talked about "shop", that would influence my decision too.
But, it's not all about me its about appealing to YOUR customers. Ask them what they'd be interested to hear from you, that's as good a place as any to get started. You know your customers better than anyone - prove it. Make them feel special. Make new ones. Be dedicated - you might just be surprised by the results.
One of my favourite co-workers from years ago once told me, "Life is like a sausage machine...if you put in crap, you get crap sausages, if you put in the best, you'll get the best results". Funny how little nuggets of info stick with you for different reasons!
Happy sausage making!
Jason Barrett - The Best in Social Business
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