Sunday, 9 May 2010

Ning: Now We're Only Premium

I'm not sure if anyone has a ning network or has thought about one, but let me just recap a little into what Ning is, how it works before I go into how its about to change.

Ning started a couple of years ago as a 'build your own' social network.  There are others out there for sure, but Ning had a slightly different offering, it was dead easy to use. 

With Ning you could (and still can) create a social network of your own, customise it fully (even edit css), add widgets, make widgets and generate a great space for your users.  It used to have a basic free model and then 2 additional packages for premium (such as removing ads and hosting your own, or using your own domain name as a re-direct as opposed to a sub domain).

Now they're all grown up and changing their service to premium only.  

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