Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Myspace To Rival Facebook?

Yes, you did read that right! Myspace to rival Facebook.

Co-President Mike Jones says "We respect our users’ desires to balance sharing and privacy, and never push our users to an uncomfortable privacy position" and continued with, "MySpace’s core value of allowing self-expression and representation of yourself remains true, without the fear that your unique contribution to MySpace will be unknowingly used for an alternative purpose.”

Seems like a good time to share some of my thoughts on this....I'm going to make a flat out prediction right now, that i've been keeping to myself over the past couple of months.  

If Myspace keep banging this drum, there is a real opportunity for them to recapture the market place, and become a dominant force in the space they were once the leaders of.  Its simple - the one sticking point for Facebooks world domination, is its blatant disregard for its users privacy, constant changes to policy and inconsistencies within its user policies.  

Think of it this way - 5 years ago, would you have joined a social network that would retain copyright on all the images that you upload to it?  What about if the CEO of this social network stood up and said "The Age Of Privacy is Dead". - (See his video here) What if they went on to change the network without using 'openess' of user opinion?

This has all indeed happened, and Facebook continues to grow at an alarming rate.  If Myspace can do one thing to stop this - it is focus on privacy.  What do you think?  Too little too late? or a renewed challenger?   

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