Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Bing introduces friend tagging through search

has announced a new feature for Bing search to further draw from a user's social network.

Bing search now offers the option to tag friends in search, allowing users to ask their friends directly about search queries.

A drop-down menu on the Bing search page provides a user with instant access to their Facebook friend list, allowing any of those friends to be tagged in the search. Tagged users receive a Facebook message asking them the search query, providing direct feedback from friends in addition to Bing's search results.

Microsoft provided the example of searching for a new restaurant and tagging friends who may have the best restaurant suggestions.

Bing is billed as a social search engine, having already been integrated with Foursquare, Yelp, Facebook and Twitter.

Earlier this month, Microsoft updated Bing with a new layout and faster search results, along with a partnership with Encyclopedia Britannica to enhance search results.

Watch an overview of friend tagging with Bing below:

http://SocialBusinessToday.net - The Best in Social Business

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