Their new book on social business, however, is aimed at people who probably don’t know them so well, so, rest assured you are in good company. Social Business by Design is a very good book for you.
Separately the authors write about social from different perspectives. I particularly like Kim’s definition of social business:
a social business harnesses fundamental tendencies in human behavior via emerging technology to improve strategic and tactical outcomes
I would add something on how we should improve human capability and how the outcomes should share value across stakeholders. But you can see I’m picky and believe more explicitly in the power of social business to improve people and their lives. Dion in contrast refers to leading companies employing….
the truly profound and powerful forces of human peer production and collective intelligence deeply to the way they work.
That’s nearer the mark. So put two of the leading commentators together to work on a book about this topic and you get Social Business By Design, published by Jossey Bass, a guide to this emerging region of business. It’s one of those destination books. If you work in social media you have to buy a copy. It is an easy-read description of the fundamentals of social business, setting out the parameters of the trade and the basic knowledge-base that you must have if you want to be taken seriously.
The book kicks off with an example of social business from software giant SAP and it reaches back to the early 2000s to identify the problems that led SAP to social. The strength of the book is this long run perspective. It connects social business to online community and similar developments, as well as social media. By doing that it rescues social business from the accusation of being faddish. It also allows us to think of social business as an extension of a decade’s worth of hard work in designing platforms and processes for people to work together more effectively.
I have some quibbles when Dion and Peter delve into issues like shared value. The Social Business Tenet 2 refers to shared value as an automatic outcome of network effects. It isn’t. It’s a conscious approach to redefining how the outcomes of business should be shared.
And I have some concern that the case study approach doesn’t drill down deep into the cultural difficulties associated with adoption. Finally, it raises a question for me. The continuity model of social business – it’s been around for a decade – might eclipse what is novel about it now, the surge in interest and the new economic conditions that bring a different kind of urgency and a heightened role for social.
But these are the kinds of objections the authors should expect. The book’s purpose is to map the landscape of social and it does that extremely well, almost like a guidebook. If you need a guide to social business, here it is.
Follow me on Twitter @haydn1701
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