Thursday, 19 April 2012

What You Have To Do To Get The Latest Pair Of Nike's

Like Apple, new product releases from Nike generate a lot of hype among fans. Customers will line up in front of a Nike store for days ahead of a midnight shoe release. Sometimes,the police are called in. Such launches can drive a lot of valuable press for Nike — and cause a lot of headaches for store managers and shoppers alike.
As a consequence, Nike has developed a new RSVP system that promises to both generate buzz — of the Twitter variety — and instill order. On designated “RSVP dates,” individual U.S. stores will send out a tweet at a random time with a product specific hashtag (i.e., #electrolime). Followers have exactly one hour to direct message the store account with the hashtag, the last four digits of their state, passport, military or school ID number and their shoe size. The store will then DM those who have successfully reserved shoes in their size — first come, first served.
After a reservation has been confirmed, the customer will still need to come pick up the shoe from a Nike store on launch day. Unclaimed shoes will go back into the Twitter RSVP system.
For a list of participating stores and their Twitter handles, see Nike’s help page.
What do you think about Nike’s new RSVP system? Is it something you would participate in? - The Best in Social Business

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