Monday, 19 March 2012

42 Things To Do On Twitter Besides Tweet Spam & Coupons

One of the number one social media questions I hear from business leaders is “what should I tweet?”
It’s funny because most business owners start a business because they have a passion for something or at minimum have an interest in it enough they believe they can make some money providing such a service or product.  However, when it comes to sending a 140 character tweet they struggle with it.
bigstock Write the word Tweet and draw  8040211 300x200 42 Things to do on Twitter besides Tweet Spam & Coupons
Many are use to the days of  the long corporate brochures  and matching websites where they can hire a writer to craft every word to perfection. However, times have changed. Conversations are now real time. They are immediate and happening 24/7.  Such a scenario puts many business owners and leaders in the spotlight without them really knowing what to do.
If you are one struggling with “what to tweet” I encourage you to go back to the reasons you started your business. Focus on your audience, clients, partners and community. Get in their head and do your best to understand what it is they need. What do they want to talk about? How can you personally help them? How can your business help them meet their goals and objectives?
Below is a list of 42 things you can do on Twitter besides tweet coupons or promote your business all day long.

42 Things to do on Twitter Besides Tweet Coupons & Spam!

1. Share relevant content that will provide value to your followers.
2. Join or host a tweet chat.
3. Social listening. Listen and watch others in your community, industry leaders, competition, partners, and clients.
4. Use hashtags to start a new community around a specific topic, event, business or cause.
5. Share inspirational content such as quotes or scripture. Did you know quotes are the #1 retweeted content on Twitter?
Fotolia 23799711 XS 300x300 42 Things to do on Twitter besides Tweet Spam & Coupons6. Share a song.
7. Have a conversation and talk to people. Yes, I know it sounds crazy but you can simply just talk like you do in real life! icon wink 42 Things to do on Twitter besides Tweet Spam & Coupons
8. Welcome new businesses online who you know have just joined Twitter.
9. Share local events from your local news channels.
10. Share good deals from some of your favorite businesses.
11. Support your clients. Check out their tweet streams frequently for information you can help them share.
12. Thank someone via twitter for commenting on your blog.
13. Ask a question that starts dialog.
14. Support causes and charities.
15. Obtain support for your favorite cause or charity.
16. Share other people’s content such as blog posts and tweets.
17. Start a movement.
18. Share tips that can help your target market.
19. Develop an editorial calendar of tips and conversation points. It will help you particularly on the days when you have a writing or brain block.
20. Make new friends.
21. Share a photo. You can incorporate sites such as TwitPic, Instagram, Flickr and Pinterest.
22. Ask a question
23. Create a poll and gather input from your twitter followers.
24. Share an upcoming event.
25. Share content and key nuggets of information and quotes live from an event.
26. Find old friends.
27. Share a funny or touching video
28. Share an idea and gather feedback.
29. Share a new design or logo and ask for input.
30. Ask for feedback when launching or testing new website, blog or even Facebook timeline.
31. Show appreciation and advocacy for those in your community.
32. Wish someone Happy Birthday or any other holiday that is appropriate.
33. Share kids event photo and funny happenings.
34. Share a daily wisdom tweet.
35. Create themed days for morning or evening content. If you can inspire your followers, they may return daily to see what you have to say. For example, Monday could be Marketing Monday, Twitter Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Facebook Friday etc.
36. Gather opinions and wish lists for blog posts you can write that will help your followers and readers.
37. Create a Twitter list to keep track of industry experts, clients or simply your favorite tweeters.
38. Check out the Twitter lists of your community, clients, partners and even competitors to find good Tweeters to follow.
39. Cheer someone up.
40.  Tweet when you check into your favorite restaurant using Foursquare.
41. Talk about people who spam coupons (joking.)
42. Tweet this post!

What do You Tweet About? 

So tell me, what do you tweet about? Do you struggle with what to tweet or do you have a rapid tongue that never runs out of things to say? Was there ever a time you struggled with how to get a Twitter conversation started? What tips can you share to help others who may be new to Twitter or still feeling tweet challenged? - The Best in Social Business

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