Tuesday, 27 April 2010

How To Share Iphone Apps

Obviously, there's an App for that - and it's called "AppSnap"
How it works
By taking a picture of the applications icon.
Basically, Appsnap is just a camera app with a lens zoomed into Apples App Store.  All you have to do is take a photo of the App in question (and line it up as directed) and AppSnap will scan it and return a list of matching apps (which when I tried it out worked really well).  Users can then share the app via email, Twitter or Facebook or install it for themselves.
Well, the lazy ones amongst us can now just snap to send or download without thinking about complicated ITunes URLS to bog you down.  The future might make collecting Apps as you browse online reviews a much easier task.
Cost $1.99 - available now

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