This is an updated and fairly comprehensive listing of MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) and mobile SPs in UK today.
I have listed most known and Active UK MVNO companies (where possible). If you have updated information about the companies listed below, or are not listed then please send an email to:mvnolist (at) prepaidmvno (dot) com.
Abica Mobile
A business mobile and telecommunications MVNO
Networks: Orange, T-Mobile; services: unknown; status: Active
ASDA Mobile
MVNO (post & prepaid) service offered by ASDA Supermarkets
BT Mobile
BT Mobile originally was a full Mobile network, that has been sold off, and rebranded as
O2, however BT has kept some aspects of the network up, and is selling USB Dongle’s with SIM cards for Data (Mobile Broadband)
Created the first pan-European MVNO focused at the business segment. Launched in November 2004 but encountered trouble securing further financing. Founders now at mvno@piranpartners.com.
Easy Mobile
MVNO, an easyGroup Ltd. and TDC joint-venture. The product was a Post Paid and prepaid service, but was withdrawn from the Market. Today, Easy Mobile resell’s other networks hardware, and SIMs to consumers.
Prepaid Specialised (MVNO) Service
Networks: T-Mobile; services: Pre+Postpaid; status:
Non Active
Epian Mobile
Mvno offering a complete white lable service for the ethnic and imigrant/ university students.
Networks: ; services: pre + postpaid; status: Active
Extreme I ExtremeMob
A combination of stylish handsets, value for money tariffs and a 24/7 customer call centre will make ExtremeMob stand out in the mobile sector.” but unfortunately the product was never launched
Networks: Vodafone; services: unknown; status: unknown
Family Mobile
MVNO offers services for families in the UK. Family Mobile is brought by Mobile Partners Group in partnership with IKEA FAMILY.
Networks: ; services: prepaid; status: Active
Fresh Mobile
Pre-paid MVNO venture for Value Telecom which is owned and operated by the Carphone Warehouse Group. Fresh Mobile has now closed, and Carphone Warehouse is focusing on their new MVNO, Talk Mobile corporate operations overview that includes it’s international SP and MVNO ventures.
Networks: T-Mobile; services: prepaid; status: unknown
Gamma Mobile
Gamma Telecom
MVNO for business users
3; services: unknown; status: Active
GifGaf has been in pilot mode for a few months now, and will be a prepaid MVNO Service.
The Network is
02 and has certain
Global Cell
Prepaid MVNO focusing on the Eastern European Market
Status: Active
Gradwell Mobile
A New 3G Mobile MVNO Service that started on the 4th of October, 2010
Gtek Mobile
The UK’s Gteq has launched a MVNO called Intelligent Mobile on the
3 UK network. The service is offered to resellers as a white-label product with both geographic and non-geographic numbers and features such as call recording and fixed-line access.
GT Mobile
GT Mobile was launched in August, 2010 in the UK. The service is aimed for the ethnic market and offers competitive international rates. GT Mobile also operates in The Netherlands, Norway and Swedish markets under the same brand. GT Mobile is using
o2 as its underlying MNO.
IDT Mobile
Prepaid Specialised (MVNO) Service for this large calling card distribution and telecommunications company.
Recent Headlines, that IDT Mobile, has been sold to Econet Wireless
Orange; services: prepaid; status: Active
MVNO launched in 2000.
O2 ; services: unknown; status: unknown
Lebara Mobile
Lebara Mobile’s vision is to give the consumer a hassle-free, high quality, low-cost international call(s) direct from their mobile. Lebara Mobile Pay-As-You-Go SIM is a non-contract, ethnically targeted International Service for customers wishing to make International Calls.services: prepaid; status: Active
Lyca Mobile
Lycamobile is the UK’s favourite international SIM card. We help over 1million people in the UK stay in touch with their friends, family and business contacts overseas with our low mobile call rates to destinations throughout the world. services: prepaid; status: Active
Mobile World (rebranded to
Talk Mobile)
Pre-paid MVNO venture of Carphone Warehouse launched in April 2005. See Carphone Warehouse’s corporate operations overview that includes it’s international SP and MVNO ventures.
T-Mobile; services: prepaid; status: Active
Now Mobile
Prepaid Specialised (MVNO) Service for this large calling card distribution and telecommunications company.
Orange UK ; service; prepaid ; Active
With Nomi-mobile you can chat-as-you-go for as long as you like; forgetting about time zones and call costs. You will benefit from domestic and International calls anywhere, anytime and a simple flat rate.services: prepaid; status: Active
Carphone Warehouse has recently announced that they will be launching an MVNO through Vodafone.
The Product will launch late Autumn, 2010
Tesco Mobile
Tesco Ireland is launching a MVNO with the aim of securing 5 percent of the Irish market over the next four years.
O2 ; services: unknown; status: Active
Touchan Mobile
Postpaid MVNO for Toucan, telecoms company IDT Europe’s consumer telephony brand – launching later in 2005 MVNO; networks: T-Mobile; services: postpaid; status: Active – Acquired by
Transcomm Uk (RAM Mobile Data)
Service provider.
O2 ; services: unknown; status: Active until 1st June 2010
Vectone Mobile
Vectone Mobile is perfect for anyone who wants the best value mobile network, and wants to reduce their mobile costs.Whether you call local, national or international, Vectone Mobile offers you some of the best available call rates.services: prepaid; status:
Virgin Mobile
Full MVNO launched in October 2000, a joint-venture between Optus and The Virgin Group. Virgin Mobile Australia owns and manages it’s own switching infrastructure and boasts over 500.000 customers.
MVNO; networks:
T-Mobile; services: unknown; status: Active
Yes Telecom
Dutch ESP initiative, based on the company’s UK success, focusing on business customers.
MVNO; networks: Vodafone; services: unknown; status: Active
Continued United Kingdom Telecommunications Report (in Brief)
Figure 1: Daily media consumption in the UK, based on research carried out for Ofcom in April/May 2010 [Source: Ofcom, Analysys Mason, 2010]
Smartphones have evolved to incorporate multiple functions, such as high-resolution cameras and GPS – so much so that their original purpose has been relegated to a secondary role, particularly by young people. Ofcom’s research revealed that less than a quarter of the time spent by 16 to 24 year olds on their mobiles is for voice calls, while
Internet access, social networking, audio and video consumption account for more than a quarter of their time, and
text messaging for half of it. Whereas smartphone ownership used to be limited to high-end contract users, these devices are now increasingly affordable to the majority, because they are available on monthly contracts as low as GBP10 (EUR12.13) per month or even on a pay-as-you go basis for less than GBP70 (EUR84.92).
Other key factors behind the strong growth of mobile media and applications usage include:
- Increasing speed of mobile data services. As mobile operators increasingly roll out 3.5G and, in some cases, even 4G infrastructure, the mobile Internet user experience has vastly improved, with speeds approaching those of fixed broadband services, subject to optimum conditions.
- Flat-rate mobile data services. A few years ago, using mobile data would lead to ‘bill shock’, but most mobile operators now offer flat-rate data bundles, which are adequate for most users, at a relatively low additional fixed cost or sometimes even bundle them within relatively low-end subscriptions. Orange UK, for example, includes mobile Internet browsing within its GBP15 (EUR18.20) per month Dolphin subscription. By making costs more predictable, operators have removed one of the key barriers to consumer usage of mobile data services.
- Increasing number of application stores. Mobile application stores give consumers easier access to a wider range of applications. As of August 2010, Apple’s App Store had over 200 000 applications, while Google’s Android Market had over 100 000.
- ‘Digital natives’ coming of age. As ‘digital natives’, or those who grew up surrounded by twenty-first century digital technologies, displace the ‘digital immigrants’ who were brought up in an analogue world, the change in consumption patterns will accelerate, and service providers will need to satisfy emerging needs among consumers.
The Communications Market Report: UK 2010
UK consumers are spending almost half of their waking hours watching
TV, using their
smartphones and other communications devices, according to
Ofcom’s annual Communications Report into the UK’s TV,
telecoms and internet industries.
At the same time consumers are
media multi-tasking more than ever before. Media multi-tasking where, for example, a phone call is made while
surfing the internet now accounts for 35 per cent of all media consumed throughout the day and the younger the person, the more media activity is done at the same time.
Among 16-24s, over half (52 per cent) of their media activity is simultaneous, compared to just over one fifth (22 per cent) for people aged over 55. The growing popularity of smartphones and the changing way they use their mobiles is increasing their overall use of communications, and helping them do much more simultaneously.
But while they are doing more, it is costing them less. For the fifth year in a row spending on communications services has decreased. Real household monthly spend on communication services fell 1.7 per cent over the past year to 91.24, as more people choose to buy their services in discounted bundles.
Half of all UK households now buy a bundle of two or more services from a single provider compared to 29 per cent in 2005. Seventy per cent of people with a bundle said that the main reason for taking a bundle was because it was cheaper. Ttraditional media is far from dead, with TV retaining a central part in their lives, particularly in the evening. And its not just scheduled live television which continues to be popular – the number of people watching catch up TV services also increased by more than a third over the past 12 months.
Content Courtesy of PrepaidMVNO.com
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